Wednesday 19 December 2007

The Money Cam

Welcome to The Money Cam!

So, what is this place anyway?

The Money Cam is a newsletter designed to give cutting edge marketing advice to working photographers. It's a no BS type of newsletter. I'll give it to you straight like I see it, and you can take that for what it's worth.

Keep in mind that I'm not some stiff sitting in an office chair, I'm out there every single day doing the same stuff that you are (or want to be) doing.

This newsletter is serious, straight to the point, fun, fresh, and most importantly valuable. It can, and will, change the way you do business.

I strive to provide usable content that can be implemented THAT DAY to generate more business.

I'm not going to claim that these techniques will be easy and require no work... because let's face it, we're running a business here. We know that everything in business takes work. You get out what you put in, and so forth.

In fact, if you're here looking for freebies and "easy money" style solutions, I've got to be honest... this probably isn't the newsletter for you. This is a newsletter for SERIOUS PHOTOGRAPHERS that are either already working in the industry, or want to work in the industry and are WILLING TO PUT IN THE TIME AND ENERGY it takes to build a successful business.

As such, I've decided to charge a monthly fee for this content.


I know what you're thinking... but let me break it down for you.

A subscription to my newsletter is $9/month, and it will be going up again soon. (If you subscribe now, you'll be locked in at the $9 price point.)

Why am I charging $9/month? Because people that aren't serious about their business won't invest a measly $9/month into it.

Why does that matter to you? A few reasons actually.

Everyone knows that the premise upon which marketing is built is to stand out from the crowd (kind of, we'll talk about this in the newsletter though). If I were giving this information away for free, there would be hoards of people that just bought themselves a Digital Rebel or Nikon D40 that have almost no business in the business, using these techniques to market for jobs at ridiculously low price points and further destroying the industry (another sore subject haha).

The techniques would be used everywhere, and they would become useless almost instantly and ineffective. Everyone would lose out.

Furthermore, if you're not spending at LEAST $9 on your business per month, then I know you're not in it to win it and I can safely assume that you're just looking for another article about how to make millions with your camera.

So, think of this as an investment into your business. A NO RISK investment at that!

Here's what I'm going to do for you...

Sign up TODAY and I'll give you the first 30 days for $1.00.

That's right, ONE DOLLAR.

If you don't like what you see, simply un-subscribe at any time and you'll have no further obligation. On top of that, I'll even give you your $1 back. ;)

After your first 30 days, you'll be billed the regular rate of $9/month but you'll be able to unsubscribe at any time without question.

So, make the investment in your company NOW!

In addition to the monthly newsletter, you'll also receive member access to The Money Cam blog where I discuss some of the more traditional forms of marketing and other industry news.


I almost forgot, you're probably wondering what you should expect from this newsletter. Every month is packed with:

  • Marketing tips and techniques to bring your photography business to a new level
  • Photography niches that are nearly void of competition
  • Sales tips to improve the purchase of prints and merchandise
  • Member questions and comments, see what others are experiencing across the nation
  • And MUCH, MUCH more....

Thursday 13 December 2007

Halfway Done

I just wrote my Systematic Theology A final exam. I've decided this marks my cresting over the magical 45 credit barrier, which means I'm now more than 50% done the MDIV! It's all downhill from here. By my calculations I should be done in June 2009. That's a total of 4.5 years. Can I come home after that?

Friday 30 November 2007

Postmodernity on Christ

“To believe in Christ, to hope in Christ, to love in Christ’s name – these are all well and good virtues. For Christians to insist that all must believe, hope, and love in Christ is totally unacceptable.”
- Graham Johnston, Preaching to a Postmodern World (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001), 96.

We might also add that this was the position of the Greeks and Imperial Rome. As much as things seem to change, some remain the same.

Wednesday 28 November 2007

Gifts from God

Bruce Waltke frames his Old Testament theology in terms of God's gifts: of land, of his name, of his presence, of his messiah, etc.

Today I was struck by how powerful such a reframing of our questions can be, especially when dealing with hardship.

How is this season of drought and hunger God's gift to me?

How is this failure God's gift to me?

Tuesday 30 October 2007

PHA (Potential Hazardous Asteroïd)

> Information : Nasa N.E.O Program - Inner Solar Systems' Plot
> Listen to live meteor burst audio received at Roswell, NM :
67.24 Mhz
or 217.927 Mhz

Monday 8 October 2007

Balkon Camlama Sisteminin Avantajları

  • Manzara ve görüntüde hiç bir kayıp oluşmaz.
  • Gayrimenkulünüzün değerini arttırır.
  • İmar mevzuatına uygundur.
  • Mimari olarak etkileyicidir.
  • Dışarıdan bakıldığında binanın yapısında bir değişiklik olmaz.
  • Kat sahiplerine yasal bir sıkıntı vermez.
  • Balkonunuzdan yıl boyunca 4 mevsim faydalanmanızı sağlar.
  • Yağmur, kar, rüzgar gibi dış etkenlerden korur.
  • Isı ve ses yalıtımı sağlar.
  • Balkonunuzdan yıl boyunca daha fazla ve uzun süreli faydalanmanızı sağlar.
  • Her türlü balkona uygundur.
  • Sistem yüksekliğe göre 8 yada 10 mm temperli camlardan oluşmaktadır.
  • Temizliği ve bakımı kolay ve pratiktir.
  • Farklı seviyelerde istenildiği kadar açılıp kapatılabilir.
  • Camlar temperli olduğundan esnek ve dayanıklıdır.
  • Darbelere dayanıklı temperli cam kullanılmaktadır.bu sayede hırsızlık olaylarına karşı maksimum koruma sağlar.
  • Olağan dışı etkilerle camın kırılması durumunda ise küçük parçalara ayrılarak çevre ve canlılara zarar vermez.

Wednesday 29 August 2007


SALUT SI TU VEUX MON ADRESS MSN, Il faut appeler le service allopass et rentrer les trois codes demandés sur la fenêtres en bas :-)

Tuesday 21 August 2007

Wireless Webcams - The Nannycam

Before I move on to the other wireless webcams, I wanted to touch on the nannycam. Apparently these are quite popular with people who have in-home child care. The wireless webcams I mentioned in the previous post can function quite well as a nannycam. In fact, after my wife's maternity leave was over, I just left the camera set up. We had a baby sitter come in every day, and it was nice for both of us to be able to look in on our daughter from work. The camera was in plain view on top of a bookcase. The baby sitter never asked about it, and it never occurred to us to mention it to her, or the fact that we could see them over the internet while we were at work.

Most people who set up a nannycam are interested in concealing it so the baby sitter is not aware of it. While our camera could be hidden in a shelf ornament or a clock, X10 makes smaller ones that are easier to hide, and ones that they specifically market as a nannycam. If you are interested in that, be sure to check out the X10 site for it.


Sunday 19 August 2007

Wireless Webcams

You may have heard of webcams, but did you know there are wireless webcams? Indeed there are different kinds of wireless webcams, and I'll explain the differences. Although wireless webcams are not particularly new, they are becoming more popular with the explosion of broadband internet access.

Non wireless webcams are typically the ones that are somewhat inexpensive and connect to your computer with a USB cable. They are great for sending photos or video, and even for live video chatting by way of Skype and other services. The disadvantage is that the camera must be tethered to the computer by the length of the cable.

In my view, there are two types of wireless webcams. The first of the wireless webcams I'll be telling you about is technically not really a webcam, but a 2.4Ghz wireless video camera. It becomes a webcam simply by connecting it's receiver to a video in port or card on your computer. You can get the software you need to use it as a webcam for free on the internet, or get it included when you buy the camera. I prefer the second option.

The setup I use and really like is from a company called X10. Besides all sorts of wireless cameras, they also make a full line of home automation and home security products. All their prices are very affordable, and they always have some kind of special going on. In fact, the very first pop-up ad I ever saw on the internet was from X10, and I bought the kit they were advertising on the spot. Never bought from a pop-up since.

Anyway, back to the cameras. I started with the basic three camera kit, which includes everything you need to get going. They have tons of add-ons (I had to get those) like a motion sensor which will start a recording when tripped, and other goodies. But my favorite was the webcam software and a little hardware gadget that allows you to view and switch between all your cameras from anywhere on the internet. If you have the pan and tilt models, you can even operate that function from the internet.

The uses you can find are endless. When My first daughter was born a few years ago, I set one of these up so I could see my wife and new baby while I was at work.

Check out the X10 Site.

Next Up: I'll cover the real wireless webcams, which are more expensive, but don't require a computer to operate them.


Sunday 11 February 2007

Here you'll find

links to sites/cams

from Africa



Image courtesy of (Drive cam)

Here you'll find

links to sites/cams

that are at various Zoo's

in the US

Image courtesy of (Meerkat cam)

Here you'll find links to sites/cams

that are aquatic in nature.

Image courtesy of