Friday 30 November 2007

Postmodernity on Christ

“To believe in Christ, to hope in Christ, to love in Christ’s name – these are all well and good virtues. For Christians to insist that all must believe, hope, and love in Christ is totally unacceptable.”
- Graham Johnston, Preaching to a Postmodern World (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001), 96.

We might also add that this was the position of the Greeks and Imperial Rome. As much as things seem to change, some remain the same.

Wednesday 28 November 2007

Gifts from God

Bruce Waltke frames his Old Testament theology in terms of God's gifts: of land, of his name, of his presence, of his messiah, etc.

Today I was struck by how powerful such a reframing of our questions can be, especially when dealing with hardship.

How is this season of drought and hunger God's gift to me?

How is this failure God's gift to me?